Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Lately I've been completely obsessed with some photography projects that I've found online via flickr, etc. So far my favorite has been Seedpod's, discovered via Soule Mama. She seems to capture raw bits and pieces of nature in a warm and calming way, and I could stare at them all day. But today I discovered this. A close second, maybe even my new favorite but for very different reasons, obviously. Quite simply, very intruiging. What do you have on your person this very second? And what does that stuff say about you? What doesn't it say about you? These photos are only a teeny bit revealing, just a wee little glimpse into that individual's day or personality. Some of them are surprising, some expected, some make me wish I could have a cigarette right now. I look at them and think things like; "oh yeah, I carry around an assortment of like 472 pens/pencils and markers, too!" or "eegads... electical tape, box cutter, and, um, drill bits?! hmm." But I have to wonder, am I interesting-looking enough to be stopped on the street and asked to have my personal belongings photographed? Although I did notice that none of these people seemed to be wearing sweats, and none of the "everyday essentials" included diapers and fairy coloring books.

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