Friday, March 28, 2008

Somewhere in this world...

..... a pig sprouted wings and is fluttering around ever so gaily among the butterflies in a dewy green meadow filled with daisies and tulips. And in the underworld, the little demons are enjoying a rare treat of popsicles and ice cream cake. Because.....

Butter Bean is napping. All by himself on a bed. And it's been like 30 minutes! Insane. This child sleeps great at night, but daytime sleep is a whole other story. Usually it's just ~15 minute cat naps in the sling or in my lap, and if I attempt to put him down at all, he either wakes up immediately or sleeps for about 3-7 minutes before he's wide awake again. I'm guessing it's because he did end up getting the cold his sister has, but still. It's nice for a change. And what am I doing with this precious time? I'm on the internet of course. I can hear my mother's heavy sigh now. "oh, Jackie..."

And now I hear a wakeful babe. It was fun while it lasted.

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