Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Snowy foggy heart.

Spring is officially here, but I'm not so thrilled about it. Bizarre, right? I took this photo out the bedroom window March 14th, thinking it would probably be the last real snow of the season. It was sort of bittersweet.

And now it's seventy-something degrees outside and I'm resenting it. I'm in a hole-up-and-eat-soup kind of mood and I want more snow. That way I have a good reason to do nothing but eat soup and bake bread and do art projects with the kids for an entire week. Spring means all kinds of nice quaint sunshiny-warm things like flowers and birds and baby llamas and what have you but it also means spring cleaning and yardwork and baring skin.... Aha! There it is folks. Quite possibly a major cause of all this nonsense. I'd love to go tanning and get a pedicure and a massage and be all like "Spring, you don't intimidate me! Tell that bitch, summer, to bring it on! I'm ready for swimsuits and sandals and shorts and tank-tops and baby llamas!" But the truth is, bouncing back from this second baby is proving to be a lot more difficult than it was the first time around; physically, mentally, and emotionally, and of course they all sort of play off of one another and it becomes a vicious cycle. I guess I'm being pretty vague here and really it's just a vent anyway so I'll go ahead and wrap it up and spare both my readers a self-pity sob story. I suppose there's hope when I get to wake up and hang out with these sorts of cuteness every day...

I guess sun isn't all that bad.

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