Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I just went back and read some recent posts and realized a lot of it is me inside my head... and pretty gloomy. So I need to remind myself of why I started this blog in the first place and get back to recording some of the daily happiness that happens around here. Like how Milo has finally figured out the jumparoo and mastered it so that sometimes I wish there was some sort of restraint system in it, I worry that he'll launch himself clean out of it. And how he can be so thrilled to see someone that he wiggles and grins as though his little body can't hold in all the joy and he'll start giggling at a mere "hello, there". And how funny and sweet Amelia is; today she went up to Milo and said to him "Milo I just love you so much! I really do, I could just squeeze you. But you're a little baby so I won't."


That's better.

1 comment:

Kate said...

So cute! Loved reading the "Velveteen Rabbit" excerpt for Mothers' Day - it's one of the favorites at our house too:)