Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why blog?

To document how quaint and pretty our life is? Puke. No.

Because I want to share with the world that my way is the way to raise a child and be a model citizen and The Woman Who Has It All? No. Hahaha! No.

To document important things, big or small, that happen in my children's lives because I'm too lame to keep baby books? Yes.

Because I'm another jerk who wants to publicly brag about how adorable and genius her children are? Probably.

Because I expect to be The Most Interesting Person Ever to Write a Blog with gazillions of adoring fan comments with every post? Duh! Of course!

To have photos of us somewhere (because I'm not organized enough to scrapbook)? Yes.

To display my mad artsy-fartsy photography skills? No.... wait, photography skills?! Um, no.

To motivate myself to take more, hopefully better photos? Yep.

To force myself to write, even if it's one run-on sentence per month? Absolutely.

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