Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And a celebration of a real birthday.

We travelled west to wish Great Grandma a joyful birthday last weekend. Good times were had by all.
How much do I love going up to The Mountain? With every fiber of my being and then some. Check out the light that comes into that house. The photos don't do it justice of course, but it comes in from all angles and it's so warm and amazingly soft and comforting. Breathing the air in that home is like dissolving oneself into butter and snuggling up with a worn comfy quilt and your favorite book you've read six times and angels holding you up and warm honey tea and love like you've never known before. I've always had a major soft spot for houses that are homes (because not all are) and homes with spirit and character and soul and heart. But a house does not become a home, nor does it acquire spirit and soul without people and their stories. Enter my mother's mother. She and her husband and their five children lived their stories in this house and gave it the character it has now.

Happy Birthday Grandma! Thank you for being a perfect model of grace and humility, love, strength, and acceptance. You are the heart and life of that home we all love so much.

And flowers for the birthday girl.

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