Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What's in a name?

Hello my name is Jacqueline Anne. Or Mom. Or MAAAMAAAAAA!!!!!! My husband has a name that sounds like a ruthless German warlord or something. Sometimes he thinks he is one. My husband makes me laugh. I attempted to give my children names so sophisticated-sounding they would have no choice upon entering adulthood but to become some sort of haughty aristocrat. The warlord vetoed this plot and they ended up with the ridiculously cute names Peach and Butter Bean. If you believe those are really my children’s names then you obviously can’t handle simple sarcasm and you should move on to another, prettier blog. I have a dog appropriately named after an emotionally unstable Shakespeare character. My daughter has a stuffed dog named Shakespeare. She also has a doll named Snazzlebee. We love to read. We have dance parties. Sometimes to the Beastie Boys, sometimes to Bach. We make fantastic messes baking goodies. Sometimes delicious and sometimes nutritious. Sometimes both. We make fantastic messes creating artwork. Our home is pretty much always a fantastic mess. The mama in this home is a fantastic mess. Welcome to the mess.

1 comment:

Kandice said...

From one mess to another... I love this post and can't wait to keep up with you via your blog!