Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy First Birthday, Milo Phillip!!!

Dear sweet baby Milo,

Today you turned one whole year old! You have been such a joy this past year, and although it feels like it was only yesterday that you entered our lives, I can't remember or imagine life without you. You are an intense person, so easy to make smile and laugh, and easy to make cry. You love hanging upside down, belly buttons, nu-nu's, your sister, coloring and finger painting, trees, the dog, airplanes, corn on the cob, books, and cats. "Let's go outside!" or "Let's go find a tree, Milo!" are phrases that calm you when you're upset and your eyes go from closed and teary to open, sparkly and full of anticipation and wonder. You're not one to let anything go unnoticed or unexplored, and you've already had more than your fair share of bumps and bruises from your fearless (and fast!) climbing adventures. You love playing in the dishwasher, and will stand and pull things out of the bottom rack, hand them to me, then grin proudly when I say "thank you, Milo!" and once the rack is light enough to yank completely out of the dishwasher, you do so, and proceed to try and climb inside before I can pull you out. The spinning contraption inside it fascinates you, as does anything else that spins, flips, or clicks. You love turning the light switches on and off, fitting things together like cups and the lids on all my pots and pans, and you're starting to stack the blocks instead of just knocking them down. You're a music lover and will wiggle and giggle and bounce as soon as you hear it, you hum to yourself and love playing with your voice in cups and empty paper towel tubes, you love the real instruments like the recorder, drum and cymbals, and could sit at Grandma's piano forever. You point at everything that interests you and tell me about it with an "eeeehh". You say mumum, dada, fish, hi, and plenty of other words that I know I just haven't recognized yet. You give kisses to everyone and we can't get enough of you! Milo Phillip, you are the sweetest, most loveable boy ever, and I am so blessed.
I love you, my snuggle buggle boy!


Kate said...

Wow - I can't believe he is 1 already!!! Happy Birthday Milo!!

Jackie said...

I can't believe it either! I ate my weight's worth in chocolate yesterday to soothe the "my baby's not a baby anymore" thing. ;P