Thursday, November 13, 2008

Going Places

I love this picture I got on the plane, it's the only one I got at all actually. Of course it was with my phone because that's what was the most readily available and I didn't want to miss the moment! They both did so well on all the flights, I had been paranoid about having to sit near an evil baby-hater or something, but Milo was an angel and everyone around us was kind and played peek-a-boo and "oohed" and "aahed". Amelia really loved the whole experience: being in the clouds and over the cities, spotting mountains and neighborhoods and lakes and rivers, being served cookies and juice by the flight attendants, taking a bajillion trips to the cool tiny bathroom, asking a bajillion questions... but that's not abnormal I guess, the curiosity part. Anyway, the window seat was a favorite spot for everyone.

And speaking of going places.... we're moving! To.... Cheyenne! Weird. It seems weird to me, but I'm excited about it too. Amelia is excited because that's where the cool library is, where Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Genevieve are, and because she's been promised dance classes there. New adventures await us all!

1 comment:

Kati Potratz said...

I bet Uncle Brian and Aunt Anne are very happy about the moving plans :) What is bringing you back to Cheyenne?