Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank goodness for early voting!

It's kind of exciting to live in state where the race will be close and your vote might actually make a difference. As opposed to a state like, oh I don't know.... Wyoming maybe?

And maybe some day I'll get back to posting up pictures from the real camera instead of these crappy phone pictures. Just maybe.


Kate said...

Cute pic! See - I WISH I could get the pictures out of my phone...I don't know how:(

Jackie said...

I put in the email address for my blog as a contact in my phone and just email the pictures as a picture/text message. I have Verizon, I don't know if that makes a difference.

Anonymous said...

YOU BUTT!!!!!!! Wyoming is the best state in the whole

of everywhere!

and your just jealous!!!!!!

just messing. I love you!

your baby sis